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Museo abierto
S.J. Under Plaza de la Cultura. Between av 0 y 2, Street 5
Museo cerrado: 14 agosto
S.J. Under Plaza de la Cultura. Between av 0 y 2, Street 5

En esta publicación nos acercaremos a la historia de los alimentos en la época precolombina y conoceremos cómo estos adquirieron un significado cultural. Entre sabores, preparaciones y olores distintivos, los grupos humanos vieron una forma de identificarse en la cocina, en la comida y en…

Este libro aborda el tema de la música de la época precolombina e indígena costarricense, pero no de la forma tradicional que suele abarcar solo la manufactura de los objetos, dado que ahonda en la importancia de concebir a los artefactos como productos de un…

Learn about the use that ancient settlers gave to pre-Columbian stamp seals, and the importance of these objects to communicate ideas associated with their beliefs and rituals.

Get a closer look at the contents of the Pre-Columbian Gold Museum in a publication that covers the pre-Columbian history of Costa Rica from the settlement of the Americas to the first contacts with the Spanish conquistadors

Get a closer look at the archaeological artifacts to learn how the pre-Columbian inhabitants explained the world. Beyond the Objects brings us closer to the symbols represented in the design of ceramic and stone pieces.

  Discover the species of frogs and toads that were represented in pre-Columbian artifacts, and the importance of these species from an archaeological, ethnographic, and biological point of view.

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