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Museo abierto
S.J. Under Plaza de la Cultura. Between av 0 y 2, Street 5
Museo cerrado: 14 agosto
S.J. Under Plaza de la Cultura. Between av 0 y 2, Street 5

Educational Resources for the Classroom

Our Museums are spaces in which topics of elementary, secondary, and higher education can be creatively integrated with the contents associated to our temporary and permanent collections.

These options include a variety of theme cards, educational kits, and virtual tours that allow the educator to generate different learning dynamics through questions and activities for students to connect what they see to their own knowledge and everyday experiences.

Guías para docentes

La guía para docentes, nace con el objetivo de brindar una herramienta didáctica para el abordaje, dentro y fuera de las aulas, de las temáticas relacionadas con el Museo del Oro Precolombino. Para potenciar la experiencia, les ofrecemos tres documentos en los que sugerimos el desarrollo de actividades antes, durante y después de estar en el Museo; concebidas para que cada docente las realice según las características de su grupo y de su proceso educativo. Nuestra propuesta es que a través de estas herramientas, los docentes conozcan y utilicen los recursos de los que disponemos en nuestras salas, como complemento a los contenidos que se trabajan desde sus instituciones educativas; así como para la construcción de nuevos conocimientos de la mano de sus estudiantes. 

Previsita: el museo, un espacio para descubrir

Consiste en una preparación de los estudiantes en el aula, previo a la visita presencial al Museo. Proponemos cuatro actividades con el objetivo de motivar y suscitar el interés del grupo en algunos contenidos.

Visita: un viaje en el tiempo

Comprende el recorrido por la exhibición principal del Museo del Oro Precolombino. Por ello, en este documento encontrarán, entre otras cosas, algunos consejos para preparar su visita; planos para ubicar las unidades temáticas y paradas estratégicas, información básica sobre los contenidos principales, piezas recomendadas y preguntas para la mediación.

Posvisita ¿Cómo estuvo la experiencia en el Museo? 

En este documento, encontrarán tres actividades por medio de las cuales podrán retomar, afianzar y ampliar las impresiones, reflexiones, conexiones, preguntas y demás resultados de la experiencia presencial en el Museo.

Educational Kits

The kits are free to take to schools to get elementary school students closer to the contents addressed in the permanent exhibitions of the Pre-Columbian Gold Museum and the Numismatic Museum. They contain various materials such as posters, illustrations, documentaries, and interactive boxes that students can use to experience and conduct activities in the classroom. Educators are provided with a manual where they can find methodologies to get the most out of the resources with their students.

Educational Cards

Theme cards are a resource associated with new pedagogical strategies and the museum’s exhibitions. Their availability online and how easy they are to download make them perfect for working in the classroom, either as a complement or preamble to the visits to the museum.         

#1 Educational innovation:

We share three factsheets on new pedagogic strategies that teachers around the world have begun to use in recent years with very successful results.

#2 Museum of Pre-Columbian Gold: .

These thematic sheets allow teachers and students to come closer to the main subtopics covered in the Museum of Pre-Columbian Gold

#3 Numismatics Museum:

These thematic sheets cover the history of the country through its means of payment. The most relevant historical moments are pointed out, along with representative numismatic objects from each time period.

These cards provide strategies for educators to motivate children and young people to conduct research in order to answer their own questions, by using whichever resources they have available: books, asking relatives or neighbors, newspapers, or the Internet.


These cards provide teachers and students with information about the processes of growing social complexity that the pre-Columbian inhabitants went through, where the development of hunting, the emergence of agriculture, and experimenting with technologies played a key role.

The second card set of the Museum of Pre-Columbian Gold refers to the cultural and geological events that brought the first settlers to America.

These cards show the different means of payment that have been used in Costa Rica throughout history, from the barter system up until electronic transactions

Visit resources

We conceive the museum as a space for learning, discovery, and reflection, and for generating connections between the past and the present; children, young people, and adults dialogue with our collections and enrich their contents based on their own questions, experiences, and knowledge. Feel free to use these resources. Make an adventure full of discovery out of your visit

Resources for Communities

For those audiences who live in communities far from our facilities, we created resources that travel to any place in the country to spread the knowledge about our numismatic, archaeological, and artistic heritage.

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